Dec 30, 2020
Andrew Lentini, Senior Director of Wildlife And Science, and I
reflect on some of the great conservation projects and events that
took place at your Toronto Zoo in 2020.
We discuss the record number of Blanding’s turtles that were
released this year into the wild and why the program has been so
successful over the...
Dec 16, 2020
Dr. Gabriela Mastromonaco sits down with me today to discuss a pilot project of using reproductive sciences to artificially inseminate wood bison in controlled and semi-controlled environments. This ground-breaking research is happening at your Toronto Zoo and has seen some great success within controlled environments....
Dec 2, 2020
Toronto Zoo Zookeepers, Ashley Slack and Deserrai Buunk, sit down with me to discuss the biology and conservation of the greater kudu. Ashley and Deserrai talk about their love for hoofstock animals, how they take care of the kudu at the Zoo, why the mixed-species exhibit is great for enrichment, and their conservation...